COMMAND THE MORNING 2 | Prayer Passport By D.K Olukoya

COMMAND THE MORNING 2 | Prayer Passport By D.K Olukoya

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The mystery of spiritual warfare can only be understood by those who have decided to venture into certain areas which other people hardly explore. Those who below to the dark kingdom have invented a particular strategy for carrying out their wicked antics. They rise up in the early hours of the morning and program into the day. By so doing, they succeed in having negative impact on the lives of their victim. Soldiers of spiritual warfare have learnt to turn the tide against their enemies by employing a more powerful weapon.

To command the morning is to take charge of the day. It is to exercise dominion and to order the elements of nature, as well as the agents of the enemy, to bow to the wish of the Almighty. By so doing, evil plans are captured.

The sentence of the enemy is rendered null and void. Those who have learnt to command the morning experience first class victory. This is undoubtedly the greatest success tablet. Use it on daily basis and you will be more than a conqueror.

Start by singing songs of praises and thanksgiving to God, for giving you another new day.

Confessions: Psalm 5:1-3; Psalm 2:1-12; Psalm 121:1-8; Psalm 91:1-16; Psalm 16:1-11.

I take authority over this day, in the name of Jesus.

I draw upon heavenly resources today, in the name of Jesus.

I confess that this is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it, in the name of Jesus.

I decree that all the elements of this day will cooperate with me, in Jesus' name.

I decree that these elemental forces will refuse to cooperate with my enemies this day, in Jesus' name.

I speak unto you the sun, the moon and the stars: you will not smite me


READ ALSO  COMMAND THE MORNING 1 | Prayer Passport By D.K Olukoya

and my family this day, in Jesus’ name.

I pull down every negative energy, planning to operate against my life this day, in Jesus' name.

I dismantle any power that is chanting incantations to capture this day, in the name of Jesus.

I render such incantations and satanic prayers over me and my family null and void, in the name of Jesus.

I retrieve this day from their hands, in the name of Jesus.

Spirit of favour, counsel, might and power, come upon me, in Jesus' name.

I shall excel this day and nothing shall defile me, in the name of Jesus.

I shall possess the gates of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.

The Lord shall anoint me with the oil of gladness above others, in the name of Jesus.

The fire of the enemy shall not burn me, in the name of Jesus.

My ears shall hear good news; I shall not hear the voice of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.

My future is secured in Christ, in the name of Jesus.

God has created me to do certain definite services. He has committed into my hands some assignments which He has not committed to anybody else. He has not created me for nothing. I shall do good. I shall do His work. I shall be an agent of peace. I will trust Him in whatever I do and wherever I am. I can never be thrown away or downgraded, in the name of Jesus.

There will be no poverty of body, soul and spirit in my life, in the name of Jesus.

The anointing of God upon my life gives me favour in the eyes of God and men, all the days of my life, in Jesus' name.

I shall not labour in vain, in the name of Jesus.

I shall walk in victory and liberty of the spirit everyday, in the name of Jesus.

I receive the mouth and the wisdom, which my adversaries are not able to resist, in Jesus' name.


Every battle in the heavenlies, be won in favour of the angels conveying my blessings today, in Jesus' name.

My Father, everything which You have not planted in the heavenlies, let it be uprooted, in Jesus' name.

O Lord, let the wicked be shaken out of my heavens, in the name of Jesus.

O sun, as you are coming out today, uproot every wickedness targeted at my life, in the name of Jesus.

I programme blessings into the sun for my life, in the name of Jesus.

O sun, I have risen before you, cancel every evil programme, projected into you against my life by wicked powers, in the name of Jesus.
You this day, you will not destroy my prosperity, in the name of Jesus.

O sun, moon and stars, carry your afflictions back to the sender and release them against him, in Jesus' name.

O God, arise and uproot everything You have not planted in the heavenlies, that is working against me, in Jesus' name.

Oh Lord, let the wicked be shaken out from the ends of the earth, in the name of Jesus.

O sun, as you come forth, uproot all the wickedness that has come against my life, in the name of Jesus.

I programme blessings into the sun, the moon and the stars for my life today, in the name of Jesus.

O sun, cancel daily evil programme, drawn up against me, in the name of Jesus.

O sun, torment every enemy of the kingdom of God in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Those who spend the night pulling me down, O sun, throw them away, in the name of Jesus.

O elements, you shall not hurt me, in Jesus' name.

O heavenlies, you shall not steal from my life today, in the name of Jesus.

I establish, the power of God over the heavenlies, in the name of Jesus.


O sun, moon and stars, fight against the stronghold of witchcraft, targeted at me today, in Jesus' name.

O heavenlies, torment every unrepentant enemy to submission, in Jesus' name.

O heavens, fight against the stronghold of witchcraft, in Jesus' name.

Every wicked altar in the heavenlies, I throw you down, in Jesus' name.

Every cauldron in the stars, the moon and the sun, break, in Jesus' name.

Every evil pattern in the heavenlies, break, in the name of Jesus.

O God, arise and destroy every astral altar, in Jesus' name.

I destroy every satanic connection between the heavenlies and my place of birth, in Jesus' name.

Every spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies, that will reinforce against me and my destiny today, be disgraced by the blood of Jesus.

Thus saith the Lord: "Let no principality, power, ruler of darkness, spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies and local wickedness trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lamb of God," in Jesus' name.

Every dark power, hidden in the heavenlies against me, I pull you down, in the name of Jesus.

Any evil power, floating or hanging in the heavenlies against me, I bring you down, in the name of Jesus.
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