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Luke 24:49: And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

One of the greatest weakness of modern-day Christianity powerlessness.

The enemy is aware of this and he is using it to terrorize and oppress us. Do you know that when a greater power comes across a smaller power, the smaller power bows? Do you believe that if you have the power to operate at a certain level of authority, the devil and his agents will be subject to you?

You must understand the fact that like every other organization or institution, there is a hierarchy in the school of power. There is the topmost level which is God Almighty, followed by His Son, Jesus Christ, who is followed closely by the Holy spirit.

This is a trinity which simultaneously operates at a level or magnitude of power that is incomprehensible to human knowledge. Just like when Jesus asked Peter “Who do you think I am,” and Peter responded: “Jesus, the Son of the Most High God, the Messiah.” Jesus said that this was not revealed to Peter by man but by God.

The only power that can suppress the suppressor is the Power from On High

So, for you to have a clear understanding of the principle of power, you have to move closer to God. The closer you are to God, the more you can experience and exercise His divine authority. The farthest person from the power of God is the devil, God is at one extreme and so is the devil at the other extreme.

The devil will try to prevent you from receiving power from God by


enticing you with the cares of this world. Whatever he gives you now is only a facade or a mirage. After a while, it disappears and you are in trouble. You have to decide to follow Jesus. Key in to His power so you can experience. Him as the “I am that I am.”

The fellow who operates in the heavenlies is stronger than the fellow who operates down here or underneath the earth. The fellow on earth can experience the power from on high if he chooses to serve God, or he can decide to be deceived by the power from below which is determined to lure mankind from God in order to kill man’s eternity.

The only power that can suppress the suppressor the power from on high. When Jesus was crucified, the state of His disciples was sorrowful. Peter went back to fishing. Thomas, “The I am a scientist. I am an honest and logical doubter,” said he saw Jesus dying and was there when Jesus said he would come back. However, “Until I see Him and I put my finger into the holes in His hands, I won’t believe He lives.”

The disciples of Jesus were like the sheep, whose shepherd had been killed and they had to scatter. They behaved as if they had never known the Messiah.

Once the power of God comes into your life, you are a winner

The Messiah, who raised the dead in their presence was also the Healer, who cast out a legion of demons from the man at the grave-side. They saw all these, yet they were in a sorry state after His death. Why were they in this sorry state? It was because something was missing in their lives.

The reason something or someone is threatening you in your dream, or someone issued a curse upon you and it is working is that there is no power in you. Anytime a greater power comes against a lesser power, the lesser power must bow as a matter of necessity.

When I was in secondary school, a man was brought to our school and we had to contribute 10 kobo each to watch him. This amount was very big money then. They told us that he was a “Superman.” When he undressed, one of his hands with its muscles was almost more than my size then. I was really surprised. The man said he wanted to display his power. So he tied a

string to a Volkswagen Beetle car and held it in his teeth and began to pull it and the car was moving.

Later, 50 boys held one end of the rope and he started pulling it at the other end as if all the boys-were just as light as pieces of paper. He could do this because he had power in him which could not be understood.

A lady took her fiancé home to introduce to her daddy. The father ran inside the room and brought out a cutlass. He was surprised that the girl wanted to marry. He asked her how she managed to break the yoke he put upon her. He then chased the young man away. If not for the mercy of God, that lady would never have married in her life.

Anytime a greater power comes against a lesser power, the lesser power must bow as a matter of necessity

A lion came upon Samson but something happened to him that the lion did not understand. The Bible says, “And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him.” Immediately the Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson, he tore the lion into pieces.”

Beloved, if you read your Bible carefully, you will realize that Samson was not a muscular or very huge person. He was just like an ordinary man, but when the Sprit of God came upon him, he became unstoppable.

Once the power of God comes into your life, you are a winner. When that power enters into your life, your yoke will break, those things that have been boasting that they are strong and have been suppressing you will flee.

Are you ready to receive the power from on high? When it comes upon you, your yoke will break and you can suppress your suppressors. When the power from on high rests upon you, you will torture and harass the devil to the uttermost. The devil and his demons will fear you like fire fears water.

In a city where the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries is now located, there was a tree that the people of that community had been worshiping for 70 years. Anytime they wanted to worship this tree, practically the whole town would be summoned to be there. Fortunately and unfortunately, the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries is situated at the back of this tree. So, after every service, the pastor in charge of that branch told the congregation to pray one prayer point free of charge for the community: “Let the fire of God consume every evil tree, in the name of Jesus.”

Are you ready to receive the Power from On High?

One day, they noticed smoke coming out right from the root of the tree. Later it became a great fire. The chief priest was called and they started pouring water on the tree, but the more they poured water, the more the fire burnt. Rain fell, but the fire did not quench and the tree fell and was destroyed. I pray that every evil tree growing in any life today shall be roasted, in the name of Jesus.

The Bible says that on the day of Pentecost, the apostles were of one accord. All of a sudden as they sat together, there was a noise like a mighty wind, and it filled the whole place. And there was a burning tongue of fire on the head of each of them. They were 120. That fire will fall on your head, in the name of Jesus. Then their lives changed.

One man of God has said that the sign of Christianity is not the cross but the tongue of fire. When that power comes upon you, you will feel the existence of the Almighty in you. When you walk into a demonic environment, the demons will walk out immediately.

O that you will have the power that the apostles had burning in them. You will not have to pray against evil forces, problems or frustration because the grand-father of any evil spirit that would want to torment your life has not been born. You would be completely immune to the devices of the devil.

Your life would become too hot for the enemy to handle or for the enemy to live in. Oh that the power from on high will enter into our bones like it entered into the life of Elisha! Even when Elisha was dead, the fire was still inside his bones and it was enough to raise the dead. If the bone of a dead man had fire in it to raise the dead, is that the kind of person that witches would want to attack? It is possible for us to receive this same power from on high to suppress the suppressors to the uttermost.

It is not good that someone will be speaking in tongues and will still be having dreams of spirit husbands or spirit wives, poverty and frustration, and every single day becomes a day of lamentation for him.


Many of us say that we have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then why are you still afraid of witches and wizards? It is because you have not received it. When you receive it, you will become as bold as a lion.

Our present-day Christians wear materials and ornaments that are dedicated to demons without knowing it. Some of us have houseboys and maids that are serpents, and we don’t know. Others are being surrounded by unfriendly friends and they don’t know.

It is like that sister who attended our Prophetic Prayer Meeting. That was the first time in her life that she did three days dry fast. And God opened her eyes at the meeting. She went to look for her prayer partner and found her eating rice. But God opened her eyes and she saw that the stew on the rice was not stew but blood. She was offered some of the rice which she declined to eat and took her leave.

We need to wake up and become very serious. I know of a man of God who went to a crusade after beating his wife at home. He was asked to pray with someone. He laid his hands on the fellow’s lead and began to pray violently. After a while, he realized that his hands were bleeding. When he opened his eyes, he saw two horns on the fellow’s head. These horns had pierced his palms. It took him about a year to use those hands actively again. Perhaps you still waste your time dancing every Sunday, when witchcraft powers are pursuing you, or you are on the side of witches who are the cause and are in charge of your problems. You really need deliverance from the suppressors.

Each and every one of us needs to have at divine encounter with the Holy Ghost. After such an encounter, your life can never be the same again. You ought to know that as a Christian, you are a champion in your school, your work place and where you live. You should not be a spiritual coward. You must note that until that power from on high comes upon you, you will continue to be suppressed by the enemy. I believe God that if you can pray like a mad person, He will deliver you.

In this world, before you can achieve anything to make your life move forward, you have to run a little bit mad. Somebody might want a first class degree from the university and he reads seven hours a day. That’s a kind of madness. To achieve the unbelievable, you need to do the unusual, the unimaginable. Jesus said, “you shall receive power from on high.” So you must try to possess this power to set yourself free. Why should the bible say that we are seated at the right hand of Jesus in heavenly places and powers of the earth are troubling our lives? It is because we lack power.

To suppress means to put under oppression, to be tortured by the devil beyond human comprehension. In these last days, the devil has put many Christians under his false authority. He has limited many lives and destinies by force or by deceit. He has built a stronghold with which he has captured and caged many people.

The devil has suppressed many to the point of madness. Many Christians today have lost faith in the absolute power of God because they have been suppressed for too long. The devil prevents people from expressing themselves and their emotions in prayers. He uses deceit to prevent people from growing spiritually, financially and materially. He cuts short development which he believes is dangerous for his hold upon his captives. You need to understand this, so that very soon, when it is time for you to pray, you should pray like a wounded lion. You should, liberate yourself from the seemingly inescapable captivity of the enemy.


Thou power from on high, come upon my life, in Jesus' name.

Let the power of God locate me by fire, in Jesus' name

You the oppressor and suppressor of my life, die, in the name of Jesus.

Every pillar of suppression in my life, collapse, in the name of Jesus.

Every evil pattern of suppression in my life, break, in the name of Jesus.

Every stubborn oppressor working against my marriage, die, in the name of Jesus.

Every ancestral suppressor, die, in the name of Jesus.

You the serpent of suppression, die, in the name of Jesus.

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WHEN THE ENEMY WILL NOT LET GO In every generation,…
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