The devil takes delight in weakening the strength of the saints. If he succeeds in weakening his victim, he will succeed in executing his wicked programmes. As long as you are spiritually strong, the devil will not be able to execute his agenda in your life. You need this prayer programme to renew your strength in the presence of God. You need this programme to mount up with wings as eagles.
You should make use of the prayer points until your spiritual batteries are charged. You can turn your closet into an arena where you receive power.
This prayer programme is your personal antidote to failure in the day of battle.
BIBLE STUDY: Nehemiah 8:10; Isa. 40:29-31; 2 Sam. 22:33-36
Praise Worship
Confession: In the name of Jesus Christ, I am a beloved child of God. I believe in God. I believe in Jesus Christ and I believe in the blessed Holy Spirit, which is dwelling inside me. I believe in the unshakable and eternal power in the word of God. I believe that life and death are in the power of my tongue. I believe that as I make this confession unto life with the power in my tongue, according to the words which the Lord has put in my mouth this day, I shall prosper therewith.
It is written that Jesus Christ offered His blood as a drink and His flesh as bread, that whosoever drinks and eats them shall not die forever. Now, with strong faith in my heart, I hold in my hand, a cup containing the blood of the Lamb of God and I drink it that I may have eternal life.
I receive unto myself, the virtues, strength, power, might and anointing in the blood.
And I say, let the blood quicken all that is dead within me. Let all sucked, sapped and paralysed spiritual milk and strength of my life resurrect by the blood.
Let the blood re-energize, revitalize, reactivate and revive all dead potentials and spiritual gifts within me
Let the blood flush out of me, all inherited or self-acquired evil deposits in my system.
Let it purify my blood system. Let it make old things pass away in my life and transform everything to become new.
Let the power in the blood clean my spiritual vision and wash my spiritual pipe, that I may be receiving from the Lord unhindered.
I eat the flesh of Jesus with the heart of faith; for it is written, “His flesh is bread indeed.” I eat it now, so that I can also eat with Him in His glory.
I eat the flesh of Jesus to receive new spiritual strength and vigour. I receive new spiritual strength and vigour: to put all the works of the flesh under subjection; to paralyse the desires of my flesh; to buffet my flesh; to paralyse the power of my flesh and make it obedient to the laws of the Lord.
As I eat and drink the flesh and blood of my Lord Jesus Christ, I renew my covenant with Him and I receive the life therein for it is written, “Life is in the blood.” Thus, I possess the life and the Spirit of Christ in me, Amen.
Jeremiah found the words of God and ate them, and they became the joy of his heart. I have found the words of God and now, I throw them in my mouth like vitamin pills and chew, and digest them. Let them produce within me, the power to rejoice in the Holy Ghost, the power to be steadfast in following God, the power to walk circumspectly, the power of holy living and the power of unashamed faithfulness in all circumstances.
The word of God is spirit and life. It entered Ezekiel and he was put back on his feet.
Let the word of God raise every downtrodden area of my life. Let the word, like fire, purify me like the refiner’s fire. Let the word recreate in me everything stolen or destroyed by the enemy. Let the word build me up and
give me inheritance among all sanctified brethren.
Let the joy of the Lord strengthen me. Let His right hand of righteousness uphold me. Let His countenance brighten up my life. Let the horn of His salvation lift me up, out of the valley of death and let his life giving anointing oil fall on me like the Dew of Hermon, and fill my life till I want no more.
Lord, make me drunk with the blood of Jesus and I shall be full of life eternally.
Father Lord, as it is written, that I should be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, as you will be my might and my strength all the days of my life according to Your word, gird me with Your strength and let me not fall into the pit of my enemies, and I will praise You all the days of my life.
With my heart, I believe the word of God; with my mouth, I have confessed unto salvation and justification. O Lord, let it be performed unto me, as I have prayed, in the one and only Jesus Christ’s mighty name, Amen.
Thank God for the strength with which He has been uploading all these years.
Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
I hold the blood of Jesus, as a shield against any power that is already poised to resist me, in the name of Jesus.
By the blood of Jesus, I stand against every device of distractions, in the name of Jesus.
I stand upon the word of God and I declare myself unmoveable, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, inject me with Your spiritual vitamins that will make me spiritually healthy, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord inject me with spiritual vitamins that will boost my appetite to eat Your word, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, infuse my blood with spiritual vitamins that will produce hunger and thirst for prayers in me, in the name of Jesus.
Lord God, inject me with spiritual vitamins that will clear my vision and strengthen its clarity, in the name of Jesus.
Lord God, inject me with spiritual vitamins that will sustain me in the evil days, in the name of Jesus.
Lord God, inject me with divine immunity that will always kill spiritual germs and evil deposits in me, in the name of Jesus.
Lord God, inject me with spiritual energy that will make me tireless with You, in the name of Jesus.
Lord God, feed me with the food of the champions, in the name of Jesus.
Lord God, boost my energy to run the race that is set before me, in the name of Jesus.
I receive the comforting anointing and power in the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus.
I receive the unsearchable wisdom of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus.
I take the shield of faith to quench every fiery dart of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
I run into the name of the Lord, which is a strong tower, and I am safe, in the name of Jesus.
Father Lord, always make me drink from Your everlasting well of joy, in the name of Jesus.
Begin to bless the Lord for all answered prayers.